

News and inspiration
STĚRKY S GRAFIKOU: Oživte svůj domov jedinečným designem!
STĚRKY S GRAFIKOU: Oživte svůj domov jedinečným designem!
Kateřina Němcová | 02 July
Toužíte po tom, aby váš domov vynikal něčím jedinečným a poutavým? Pak jsou pro vás stěrky s grafikou ideálním řešením! Dodají vašemu interiéru originální vzhled a promění ho v umělecké dílo.
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Stěrka s nekonečno možnostmi
Stěrka s nekonečno možnostmi
Kateřina Němcová | 03 June
Líbí se Vám představa využití stěrky v rámci celého interiéru, a to jak na stěnách, tak i na podlaze? Náš technik Jiří Jiroušek vám prozradí, na které stěrky se zaměřit.
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Create the interior of your dreams with joy and ease
Create the interior of your dreams with joy and ease
Kateřina Němcová | 07 May
Do you long for the perfect living room, cozy bedroom, elegant bathroom, or modern kitchen? We'll help you turn your dreams into reality! We offer a wide range of high-quality materials and surfaces that will meet your requirements for functionality, aesthetics, and budget.
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Bring your interior to life with decorative polished plaster!
Bring your interior to life with decorative polished plaster!
Kateřina Němcová | 02 April
Nenadchla vás představa klasické výmalby? Toužíte po něčem originálním a elegantním? Pak je pro vás ideálním řešením dekorativní stěrka! V naší nabídce naleznete širokou škálu dekorativních stěrek, které promění váš domov v jedinečný a okouzlující prostor. Náš kolega Martin Augusta vám rád poradí s výběrem té pravé stěrky pro váš interiér.
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A living facade or How to create a vertical garden
A living facade or How to create a vertical garden
Kateřina Němcová | 04 March
Struggling to choose the right color for your facade? Consider going green – a living facade can embrace every shade! Let our colleague Benjamin Raich enlighten you on the wonders of this choice and how to care for it.
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Elevate Your Fireplace with polished plaster
Elevate Your Fireplace with polished plaster
Kateřina Němcová | 05 February
"Gathered around the Family Hearth." This term encapsulates peace and comfort, often the main reasons for acquiring this interior feature, which then frequently becomes the centerpiece of our homes. Jiří Jiroušek, our colleague, will share insights on polished plasters ideal for fireplaces and how they can elevate our fireplace experience.
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Let's visit: Strašnice residence
Let's visit: Strašnice residence
Kateřina Němcová | 04 December
The owners of a family home invested in polished plasters three years ago and would like to share their experience with you. With two children and a furry friend, their home sees a lot of activity. The polished plasters were applied to the floors throughout the entire house (including the basement and sauna), as well as on the walls in the kitchen and bathroom.
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The undeniable elegance of beautiful Granite
The undeniable elegance of beautiful Granite
Kateřina Němcová | 01 November
Original and distinctive surfaces have become essential elements in almost every residential or office project. Among the favorites is the striking Granite polished plaster, sure to captivate your attention instantly.
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Elevate your interior with sleek and contemporary concrete polished plasters!
Elevate your interior with sleek and contemporary concrete polished plasters!
Kateřina Němcová | 02 October
With the arrival of autumn often comes the mood for enhancing and cozying up your home. If you crave modern design, elegance, and a timeless look, look no further. Our exclusive Betonepox® and Imitation of concrete polished plasters are here to infuse every corner of your living space with charm.
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Customized polished plasters tailored to your imagination
Customized polished plasters tailored to your imagination
Kateřina Němcová | 18 September
Do you have a vision for the perfect interior but haven't found a surface that fulfills your imagination yet? When it comes to polished plasters, we strive to accommodate our customers' needs to the fullest and embrace new challenges without hesitation. We're capable of crafting custom-made surfaces tailored precisely to your preferences!
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